Fitur terbaru TuneUp Utilities™ 2012 diantaranya:
- Mempercepat PC/komputer hingga 50%
- Mengoptimalkan kinerja baterai
- Hemat energi hingga 30%
- 30 tools in 1 : lebih cepat, lebih stabil, tidak banyak masalah
Program Deactivator 2012: Refresh Your PC :
- Your Windows runs constantly at half-speed: Program Deactivator 2012 restores full performance on your PC!
- Start-Stop-Mode reduces impact of programs to almost zero
- Enjoy up to 50% better performance at work, while gaming or surfing the web
- Get back the „Windows® like it was on the very first day“-feeling
All-new TuneUp Economy Mode: Revolutionary Battery Life :
- Upgrade your PC with the most efficient power management in the world
- Boost battery life of laptops, netbooks and tablet PCs by up to 30%!
- Optimize both performance and power consumption
- Enjoy enough power for working, gaming and watching movies on the road
Langsung sedot aja gan, biar PC-nya gak lemot lagi.. heheh
Keygen sudah saya tes 100% work

- Cara pertama:
- Buka C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
- Klik kanan pada file hosts, pilih Properties lalu hilangkan tanda centang pada Read-only dan klik OK.
- Tambahkan kode berikut di bagian paling bawah. secure.tune-up.com
- centang kembali Read-only
- Cara kedua:
- Buka NotePad (Vista/7, Run as Administrator)
- Klik menu File pilih Open.
- Di kolom filename masukkan (copy/paste): C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
- Klik Open
- Tambahkan kode berikut di bagian bawah secure.tune-up.com
- Jangan lupa klik Save File
Download TuneUp Utilities™ 2012 - Official
Download TuneUp Utilities™ 2012 Keygen - MediaFire
Note : Setelah install jangan lupa matikan autoupdate jika belum ada keygen terbaru. karena bisa menyebabkan serial numbernya kena blacklist. Cara mematikan autoupdate lihat pada gambar di bawah.